- Proudly Zimbabwean
This Zimbabwean makes sure that the people around him/her know where they come from. They don't really care about stupid comments about how funny their accent is. This Zimbabwean most of the time holds a diploma in teaching but doesn't mind working as a landscape tech a.k.a. garden boy or assistant home improver a.k.a. sisi vebasa. This Zimbabwean has most of the time one thing in common with the other following two that I will mention and that is the fact that most, if not all, Zimbabweans are hard working. I am hearing 'amens' as i finished the above statement.
and the 2nd one is
- Maybe Zimbabwean
Now this one, eish, this one. This one is the kind that checks out to see if its necessary to blurp out that "I am Zimbabwean". When asked, so where are you from, this kind responds by saying something in the lines of "Why do you wanna know?" or "I'm from around" or "I wont tell you coz you will judge me". This kind is some what afraid of being criticized coz of their nationality. I have seen it happen a lot. This one is a sceptic one. You have to be very close to their heart to know that they are Zimbabwean.
Last but not least is
- Me? Zimbabwean?
LMAO!! This one kills me coz i have lots of cousins and friends that are exactly like this, lol. The thought of it just makes me LOL! Ok ok ok, breeeeath....hahaha....wooooosa....hehehe. Ok already...LOL. Eish veduwe. This one DENIES being a Zimbabwean! They want nothing whatsoever to do with Zimbabweans. This kind of Zimbabwean has the birth and ID to prove that they are not Zimbabwean. They can speak one or more of the South African languages hence giving them ground to stand on and actually have the "intestines" to say "nah, I am Zulu" that's BULL POOP!!! This kind of Zimbabwean wants only to hang around SA's coz then as they say "birds of the same feather flock together". I know of people that walk around acting as if havatauri! I have a cousin that lied to his now ex girlfriend, whom he dated for 2 years, that he was from Morocco. He said to her his name was 'Nalla', and that his mom was SAfrican but his dad was the one from Morocco. Now here is the sad thing my dears, I had to play along! I had to act like I was also from Morocco and my name was...ummm....whats it....damnit I am forgetting. I think my name was 'Lalla' or something around those lines and for a long freaking 2 years I had to be a Moroccan around her coz he was to scared that she would dump his sorry unworthy Zimbabwean ass! But this girl was also a bit outah it. I mean we would speak Shona around her and he would just lie to her that its a Moroccan language and she bought it! He even had a name for it, LMEHBAO (if you are wondering it means 'lafin-my-extremely-huge-black-ass-off)! hahahahaha.
At the end of the day, this is sad sad sad! I can honestly say Zimbabweans are very hard working. I think its the circumstances in which we come from or the way we were raised, I don't know.
As u read this post I want you to categorise yourself and see which one you are. And if there is any other type that I didn't mention please let your girl know.
Till I drop another
xxxNgano iyi ndeyangu
It's really sad. I'm well intergrated in London, have a wide range of friends from all over the world but that doesn't make me any less Zimbabwean. It really pains me when I see people having such an inferiority complex over who they are, it's just sad cause I think people think denying who they are is somehow kubudirira.
ReplyDeleteThats tru. You know dzimwe nguva I dont want to blame the 2nd category. I dont know if you heard that some time ago there was xenophobia attacks mainly aimed at Zimbabweans all over SA. If you were mwana wevhu you were either gonna die, get raped or get hurt some how. It was terrible. I just thank God kuti I was in an area where that never ever happened. But I guess thats why some deny themselves coz sometimes you know you wont get a job if you are a Zimbo... Ma 1 shaa. Thanks for the comment. Keep em coming. Mwatjiesxxx